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    2018-01-01 22:07

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这乞丐奇就奇在常说些疯言疯语,逐日躺在那里篷头垢面,身上奇臭无比,让没文化的人听了是疯话,但是说的话让有文化的人听了会吓一跳,以为是碰到了高人。 这时天上太阳正好,乞丐把身上棉衣揭开晒太阳,一边晒一边嘴里念叨着:“天当被,地当床,太阳月亮我爹娘。”被村里卢秀才听到了,捋着山羊胡子,不住地点头。 在一个月圆之夜,破旧的柴房中,有一个皓发鸠首的接生婆在不时脱衣服,她感觉到实在是热的不行,直到脱得露出了打着补丁的亵服了,下垂而朽迈的乳房不时剧烈摆动着,她对眼前晃来晃去的一个男人说:“不要在这里添乱了,快进来念经去吧!”那个木讷的男人走了进来。未几久战战兢兢的经文声在屋外响起。接生婆摸了头上一把汗对孕妇说:“来吧姑娘,再试一次,今天是你的一道坎,祈祷吧!”   
这时候在村外的田野里,月光下银子般的旷野,一下聚集了不计其数的黄鼠狼,它们个个排着队,静静地守候在一片空地上,一只巨大的黄鼠狼站在中间对着月亮膜拜,后面的黄鼠狼也随着拜月,倒是十分整洁,颇为壮观,最后不计其数的黄鼠狼不知是摆了个什么图形,它们对着月亮炼起了功,一个个自然站立,两脚左右合并,两爪自然下垂,放置在胯部两侧,入静抓紧,目微闭略留余光,五蕴皆空,呈大无为态。  它们正在练习吐纳,忽然天空响起一声炸雷,小黄鼠狼吓得跌倒一片,陡然间天空降下一物,就落在它们围成的圈内,收回奇光异彩,它们欢呼起来,以为是自己的修炼感动了上天,降宝物以鼓励。   

The beggar"s strange in often say some is crazy speech crazy language, daily lay there secure sight, head on a smelly very strange, let not the people who hear the culture is madness, but said made culture to hear the people going to surprise, thought it was met with talents.When the sun is heaven, a beggar on the cotton-padded clothes opened in the sun, sun side side saying: "day mouth when, as a bed, the sun and moon." before, I Be the village LuXiuCai heard, smoothed her goatee, kept nodding.In the moon night, shabby bavin room, have a Hao hair first of birth attendants in constant dovetailed off clothes, she feel it is not the heat, until stripped out of the patch with the sagging and aging, underwear breast constantly severe, and her eyes swing of dangling from a man said: "don"t here, go out quickly to chant buddhist scripture shows to go!" The dumber man walked out. How long do not fear of the scripture sound outside the ring. Birth attendants to touch upon the head of pregnant women say: "come girl, try again, today is you of a line, and pray!"
This time in the village in the field, the moonlight of the wilderness, a silver gathered tens of thousands of weasel, they all lined up, waiting quietly in a clearing, a huge weasel stood in the middle of the moon worship, behind of the weasel also follow to worship the month is very neat, and very spectacular, finally tens of thousands of weasel don"t know is what put the graphics, they tried to the moon up work, a natural stand two feet or so, separate, two claws natural prolapse, placed in hip two side, relax, visual WeiBi still slightly leave sunset, the five aggregates are empty, show big inaction state. They are practice deep breathing, suddenly the sky with a ring ZhaLei, little weasel scared to fall out of the sky, a piece of between one thing and fall down in their surrounded the circles, a splendid, they cheered, thought it was his own cultivation moved to heaven, and down to encourage treasures.
At the same time in the village from the room with a wood strong crying, the man hastened to go in and see the midwives and his wife collapse there. Next to a chubby baby crying in strongly. The man to birth attendants say: "old woman, you saved me the wang, give the child a name!" Old old woman thoughtfully for a moment to say: "that left!"


