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《男人最想要甚么》连续两年成为城中最受欢迎的深宵节目,不喜欢拍照、上电影的主持人田力人是城市才子,迷倒无数寂寞女人。可是田力人是怕闷的工作狂,每在克服了困难之后就要找另一件高难度的事来刺激及挑战自己,所以在庆祝节目两周年的晚上也是这节目的最后一夜。他要干一件新鲜的事,就是要攀登珠穆朗玛峰,他打算带同太太蔡心如出发,就当作他为工作而冷落了太太多年的补偿。 可是当他放下所有工作,太太蔡心如即向他提出离婚,原因是相处的七年以来,田力人从没有在床上给过她*。喜欢争强好胜的田力人无法接受这事实,原来自己从没征服过自己的太太,而从前所听到的呼天抢地的*声,都是演技精湛的妻子希望自己尽快完事,忍着痛楚演出来的。田力人晴天霹雳,如梦初醒。 生命由离婚开始……田力人放弃征服珠峰的计划,决心深入女人的思想和*世界,在这个探险旅程中,他透过一个夜总会PR小姐、现职法医官的初恋情人、一个发明星梦的怀春少女,以及他跟前妻欲断难断、难舍难离的四段男女关系,重新了解自己身体和欲望,最终才明白「男人最想要甚么」。

" Most men want what" for two consecutive years become the most popular night show, don"t like taking pictures, movie director Tian Li is the city wit, with countless lonely woman. But Tian Li is afraid of boring workaholic, each in after overcoming hardship to find another difficult thing to stimulate and challenge themselves, so in celebrating the show two anniversary of the night is also the show last night. He will do a new thing, is to climb Mount Qomolangma, he decided to take the same lady Cai Xinru, as he is working and desolate wife years of compensation. But when he put down all the work, Mrs Cai Xinru asked him for a divorce, because get along for seven years, Tian Li never gave her in bed. Seek to prevail over others like Tian Li could not accept this fact, that he never conquered his wife, but have heard said * sound, is the acting was superb wife hope oneself as soon as possible and endured the pain, acting out. Tian Li was a bolt from the blue, as if wakening from a dream. Life begins from divorce ... ... Tian Li give up to conquer Mount Everest plans, determination goes deep into the woman"s thought and the world, in the adventure of the journey, he through a nightclub miss PR, serving forensic first lover, an invention in the young girls, and with his ex-wife to break the hard hard hard, from four the relationships between men and women, to understand their own body and desires, it is finally clear to most men want what . "".


