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1963年,一名杀手受雇刺杀法国总统夏尔.戴高乐,除了“豺狼”这个代号,全世界任何情报组织都对此人一无所知。 刺杀戴高乐只有百分之一的可能,但关于“豺狼”这样的顶尖高手来说,这已经是百分之百的胜算。他杀人无数,从未失手;他身手特殊,冷酷无情。对来他说,唯一的准则是就是杀手的职业准则,最大的敌人就是还活着的目标。 每次“豺狼”都能领先一步,逃出警方布下的罗网。面对危险之极、高深莫测的“豺狼”,整个法国警方都束手无策,只能寄希望于一位低级别的警长,由于每个人都知道他实际上身怀特技。 历史的命运维系在两个人之间这场尊严与智力的较量之中。

In 1963, a killer hired to assassinate French President Charles de Gaulle, in addition to "wolf" in this Code, any intelligence organizations around the world who know nothing about this. Only one percent of the assassination of de Gaulle could, but for the "wolf" so the top players, this is one hundred percent chance of winning. His murderous, never missed; his extraordinary skill and ruthless. For to him that the only criteria is the killer of professional standards, the biggest enemy is still alive goal. Each "wolf" can be one step ahead, to escape the police planted the trap. The face of extremely dangerous, inscrutable "wolf", the French police are helpless, can only hope that a low level of sergeant, because everyone knows he is actually great talent. The fate of history between two people to maintain the dignity and intelligence of this contest being.


