
当前位置:首页  »  学习  »  2012年4月VOA慢速英语听力


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    1970-01-01 08:00

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  • 第01集_15000 Websites That Spread Terror and Hate
  • 第02集_A Call for Equal Rights for Women Farmers
  • 第03集_A New Exhibit of Bright Life in New York
  • 第04集_A Vacuum Cleaner for Destroying Space Junk
  • 第05集_American History George W Bush Re Elected
  • 第06集_American History George W Bushs First Term
  • 第07集_American History Life in the US After the
  • 第08集_American History War on Terror Turns to Iraq
  • 第09集_Arizona State University Team Wins Imagine Cup
  • 第10集_Artists Paint the Town in Baltimore
  • 第11集_At the Vatican Some of the Worlds Greatest Art
  • 第12集_Beverly Sills 1929 2007 A Beautiful Voice for
  • 第13集_Caines Arcade Video Brings Creative Boy Fame
  • 第14集_Charles Taylor Found Guilty of War Crimes in
  • 第15集_Chief Joseph 1840 1904 Part Two
  • 第16集_Chief Joseph 1840 1904
  • 第17集_China Mexico and Brazil Lead Gains in US Graduate
  • 第18集_Counting Down to the Olympic Crowds in London
  • 第19集_Dementia Cases May Triple by 2050 as World Ages
  • 第20集_Elephants in Cameroon Fall Victim to Killings
  • 第21集_George Abbott 1887 1995 Mister Broadway
  • 第22集_Getting a Better Picture of Student Success
  • 第23集_Group Announces New Effort to Solve the Mystery
  • 第24集_Groups Warn of Health Needs in Burma
  • 第25集_Helping Women Continue Their Education After Prison
  • 第26集_Hollywood Tells Aung San Suu Kyis Story in the film
  • 第27集_How a Small Change in Teaching May Create Better
  • 第28集_How Gold Became the Gold Standard for Trade
  • 第29集_How Safe Do You Feel in Your Neighborhood
  • 第30集_Is Your Computer Committing Cybercrimes
  • 第31集_Just What Happened in the Trayvon Martin Shooting
  • 第32集_Longer Prison Terms Mean More Seniors Behind Bars
  • 第33集_Margaret Sanger 1883 1966
  • 第34集_Mesa Verde National Park Protecting the Culture of
  • 第35集_Microsoft Takes On Zeus
  • 第36集_Mouth X Rays and the Brain%u3b Infected Gums Do Not Cause
  • 第37集_New Findings About Loss of Bees
  • 第38集_OK Heres the Story of Americas Greatest Word
  • 第39集_Pop Singer Lionel Richie Heads South for Home with
  • 第40集_President Obama Presses Congress on Student Loan Interest
  • 第41集_Should You Be Jailed Simply for Lying
  • 第42集_Teaching Coffee Farmers About the Birds and the Bees
  • 第43集_The Art of Play Video Games Exhibit Opens at Museum
  • 第44集_The Mercury Thirteen Cleared the Way for Women in the US
  • 第45集_Tornado Season Returns
  • 第46集_US Brings Case Against Apple and Five Book Publishers Over
  • 第47集_What You Can Do About Headaches
  • 第48集_Why Birth Control Is Suddenly a Hot Issue
  • 第49集_Why Getting Dirty Can Be Healthy for Children
  • 第50集_Will UN Peace Plan Work in Syria
  • 第51集_Words and Their Stories Baloney
  • 第52集_Words and Their Stories Bigwig
  • 第53集_Words and Their Stories Feel The Pinch
  • 第54集_Words and Their Stories In the Red
  • 第55集_Words and Their Stories Mayday
  • 第56集_World Bank and Inrternational Monetary Fund Open Spring
  • 《2012年4月VOA慢速英语听力》剧情简介

    慢速英语,又叫特别英语,英文“Special English”,是VOA电台专为全世界非英语国家的初学英语的听众安排的一种简易、规范的英语广播节目。它始于50年代末,是VOA电台的专家们研究如何与世界各地的英语学习者时行交际的产物,开播之后迅速覆盖全球,在世界广泛内产生了广泛影响。 每个Special English节目播出时间为30分钟,其中包括10分钟的新闻(News),5分钟的报告(Report),和15分钟的专题(Feature)。


